Saturday 5 July 2014

Back to blogging (maybe)

So, I had two old blogs: a personal one on Livejournal which is kinda overrun by Russian spam, and a ludicrously depressing old one on Blogger that I'd been meaning to kill off for some time just in case someone saw it! Tonight I bit the bullet and decided to finally delete it, and hey I could also start blogging about my brief but intense relationship with new apps (or something). For example, how I'm currently in the early stages of romance with Evernote and seeing Beesy on the side.

Step one - find and log in to ghastly blog. Check.

Step two - take a copy of the blank verse on it (yes really) and save it somewhere. Hey, let's put it into Evernote. That should be easy with the Evernote Web Clipper!

Step two point one - realise that Evernote isn't going to install anything like that to my iphone browser, and it's much too cold to get up and go out to the computer, so I start searching for workarounds. Thankfully Jonathan Mergy did the work figuring out some code for a bookmark. Yay! Depressing posts saved.

Step three - delete the old blog. Not sure how to do that, maybe each post one by one... Hang on, actually I may as well just hide the thing and start an entirely new blog. One that doesn't say 'please send me spam' by using my gmail account name in the address. Sigh.

 And there you have it.

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