Friday 25 July 2014

Tech lust: Tile

I saw Tile on Kickstarter sometime last year (or whenever it went live). Yesterday I came across it again, now in production but with a big delay on orders, and REALLY wanted one, and today I'm going through the 'search the Internet and try to see how badly I'd get buyers remorse' stage of tech lust.
[update: since I posted this I've had a promise of one from a Kickstarter bundle, and I've been pointed at the very sexy PebbleBee that's due out later this year. Sigh.]

Tiles are little white tags for your stuff which use BTLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) to chat to the world. You install the app and pair your Tiles, then you'll be able to see its location whenever it talks to a device running the app, and the cloud will remember the last time it was seen. eg. If you drop your keys while having lunch and had the app + Bluetooth on while you were there, you'll see where they were were. Or if it was off and someone else running the app wanders past, the location will be sent to you secretly. (They sell this feature as a way of locating your stolen stuff too.) It shows when you're getting close to your object and can trigger it to play a tune - useful because I often have to use the Find My iPhone sonar beep to locate my phone in the folds of the doona/my coat pocket/lying obviously in the middle of the coffee table.

I'm particularly thinking of keys because I've lost them in the house for more than a week a couple of times this year (once just before a meeting of my Body Corporate where they were going to be debating if I could install an air conditioner - frustrating!) and car keys are getting hideously valuable these days. They can be stuck on or clipped to any sort of thing, though.

Looking around, there are a number of different options for this sort of thing right now which have similar features, and some/most have replaceable batteries (better), but the total features seem nicest for Tile. The ones I've looked at often come in around US$20-25.


  • Actually knowing where my keys are! 
  • Looks nice
  • Probably the cheapest option for the first year of use, if I get a few other people to go in on them with me - there could be a better option next year or I might find I haven't used it
  • May have the loudest or most penetrating chime out of the tags which make a noise.


  • The crowd location feature is not going to be super useful in Australia. Even if there's a good take up of BTLE tag devices, the market's pretty fragmented. You can ask people to install the app and wander about if you have a general idea of where it is though.
  • It's only compatible with recent iOS devices - no plans to support Android until they are using Bluetooth 4.0 - so annoying for our cross-platform household. Also, it's not going to talk to my iPad 2.
  • iPhone battery life :(
  • Expensive if you only buy one - US$20 + $14 postage to ANZ. US$15 ea for 4.
  • Each Tile stops working after a year and has to be replaced. They apparently send out an envelope to return it for recycling. I hope that's genuine recycling...
  • If I order now, they won't ship until sometime this spring, whatever they mean by that.

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